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What Data Do We Use?

TC Best Data has been updated for New Mexico 4/25/2024

TC Best Data has been updated for Missouri 4/12/2024

TC Best Data has been updated for Arizona and Minnesota 4/4/2024

TC Best Data for Texas has been updated 4/1/2024

TC Best Data for Wyoming has been updated 3/29/2024

TC Best Data for Northern Missouri has been updated 3/27/2024

TC Best Data has been updated for New Zealand 3/1/2024

TC Best Data has been updated for Texas 2/12/2024

TC Best Data has been updated for California, Wisconsin, and Michigan 2/9/2024

TC Best Data has been updated for Utah 1/31/2024

Lidar Data has been updated for England 1/29/2024

TC Best Data has been updated for Manitoba province, Prince-Edward-Island province and NY state 1/22/2024

TC Best Data has been updated for Nova Scotia 1/22/2024

TC Best Data has been updated for Minnesota as well as Quebec, Ontario and New Brunswick Canada 1/29/2024

TC Best Data has been updated all over the United States 1/9/2024

New Lidar data sets have been added for Florida and Oregon 12/21/2023

Nevada Lidar Data along with Lidar data from New Zealand has been updated 12/15/2023

Lidar Data has been updated for New Zealand 11/29/2023

The BestData Set for New Zealand and Alaska has been updated 10/2/2023

The BestData Set for the United States has been updated 9/14/2023

New BestData Update in the USA

Lidar Data for New Zealand has been Updated 7/5/2023

Updated Lidar Image for New Zealand

1 Meter Data has been added East of Denver 6/7/2023

1 Meter Data

Lidar Data for Hawaii has been Updated 5/26/2023

Updated Lidar Image for Australia

Lidar Data for Australia has been Updated 5/12/2023

Updated Lidar Image for Australia

Lidar Data for New Zealand has been Updated 5/8/2023

Updated Lidar Image for New Zealand

Lidar Data is now available for New Zealand 4/24/2023

Lidar Image for New Zealand

The USGS Data set has been updated as of 2/15/2023

1 Meter

The USGS Data set has been updated as of 1/5/2023

1 Meter

The USGS Data set has been updated as of 12/12/2022

Updated USGS

As of 8/2/2022, 1/9 ARC Data is available for the United States

Ultra Vs Very High
Ultra High Vs High
Ultra High Vs Medium
Ultra Vs Low

As of 2/24/2020, USGS Landcover for the lower 48 has been updated to 2016 data

USGS Updated data

Elevation data sources

Resolution of Elevation Data
Source for CONUS and Hawai: USGS NED 1/3 at Seamless data distribution system

Source Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data products 1 arcsecond

Source for Alaska: USGS Alasaka NED 2 at Seamless data distribution system

Source for Northern Canada and void filling: Natural Resources Canada CDED at Geobase

Source for Northern Canada and void filling: Natural Resources Canada CANVEC at Geobase

Source for Northern Canada and void filling: ASTER

Source of SRTM Void filled for Eurasia: Viewfinder Panoramas

Land cover data sources

Landcover Resolution
Source CONUS: NLCD 2016 Seamless data distribution system

Source Canada: Natural Resources Canada Circa 2000 at Geobase

Source Europe: Corine landcover at European Environment Agency

Source World: Globcover at European Environment Agency