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Create a Polygon

The Polygon Feature in TowerCoverage.com allows users to create custom polygons that can be assigned as either addition or subtraction polygons. Addition polygons when added to a Multi Coverage will add to specified areas that are not covered by RF or Fiber/Cable areas. Subtraction polygons will subtract from specified areas, making them not covered regardless of RF or Fiber/Cable Coverages. This allows user to ensure bulk areas are either covered or removed from EUS data or BDC files.

Aspects of Polygon Feature:

  • Create a Polygon Coverage in account. You can select it to be an Addition or Subtraction Polygon.
  • The Polygon Name must be unique to the account.
  • Assign Polygons to you Multi Coverages the same way you would add a Fiber/Cable Coverage.
  • Each Polygon will consume 1 Coverage from the account per 125 kilometers squared with the minimum Coverages used being 1.
  • All EUS entries submitted via the EUS iframe or EUS API will show all Addition and Subtraction Polygons in the EUS details in the account.
  • EUS emails that are sent to the account will tell you if the location is within an Addition or Subtraction Polygon.
  • When BDC data is ordered on a multi map, all Location ID's that are within Included Addition Polygons will be added to the data regardless of whether they are covered by RF Coverages or Fiber Coverages.
  • Any Subtraction Polygon will make all Fabric Locations for BDC data be removed prior to downloading the data. Subtraction of Locations takes.
  • Address List pulled from BDC will also include Locations inside Addition Polygons and all location in Included Subtraction Polygons will be removed.